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Our Clinical Approaches

Sequential approaches
Depending on the degree of complication of each individual patient, we will use one or several of the following approaches, to reach the optimized recovery and good long term health.
Regular acupuncture modalities
Advanced acupuncture technique of motion technique
Advanced acupuncture technique of manipulation/Qi jumping/electrical stimulation.
Classical Chinese herbs pills or formulas.
Up-to-date clinical research evidence of acupuncture and Chinese herbs from literature search, both in English and Chinese
Individualized therapy: combining knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology and clinical medicines, with Chinese herb medicine, to guide our practice.
Discussion with state, national and international peers and specialists, for a complicated case.
Our Provider

Zuobiao (Roy) Yuan
Zuobiao (Roy) Yuan, Lic. Ac, D.O.M., has practiced acupuncture and Chinese Medicine since 1993, when he obtained his bachelor degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangxi Province, China. He then gained his doctoral degree from the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000. He was trained and worked in the Longhua Hospital, the only hospital of Chinese Medicine recommended by CNN TV Station to Americans. He is a Shagnhai Professor of Special Appointment, and a former faculty member at American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, teaching both the master and doctor program, for internal medicine, reproductive diseases and oncology. He also did several years of research in pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis at the Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota.
His specialty expertise includes cancer care, eye diseases including retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration, musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, infertility, and digestive disorders. He saved many terminal cancer patients who were referred to hospice therapy. For eye disorders, he uses some special acupoints(not in the eye), a protocol developed by Dr. Ren Zhang, the President of Shanghai Society of Acupuncture, an internationally recognized acupuncture expert in Ophthalmology. He will combine the Acunova protocol as well. He also helped many people avoided surgery, and helped infertility patients referred by other health care providers such as medical doctor, nurse practitioner and acupuncturist. For chronic pain patients, he uses a combination of special techniques such as motion technique, Qi-jumping acupuncture, to provide the maximal medical benefits of acupuncture. As a result, most patients feel improvement right after the first visit.
If you have other conditions that might be a good indication of acupuncture or Chinese Medicine, include but not limited to: heart failure, arrhythmia, diabetes, renal failure and skin disease… please make an appointment with Roy for treatment or an initial free consultation.
With the help of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, a better health is highly possible.