Journal: Medical & Clinical Research
Manuscript title: Effectiveness of electroacupuncture for the treatment of long covid brain fog
Objective: This article is aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness of electroacupuncture in treating Long COVID brain fog in 57 cases in Eastern Canada.
Method: 57 patients (mean age 37, range 25-55 years, 56% female, 44% male), suffering from brain fog after a COVID-19 infection were treated with electroacupuncture using the acupoints DU20 (Baihui), DU24 (Shenting) and EX-HN1 (Sishencong), and the duration of each session was 30 minutes. The frequency of treatment was three times a week for 4 consecutive weeks.
Results: After a 12-treatment course for each of the 57 patients, 48 cases were clinically cured, and 9 cases were ineffective. The rate of overall effectiveness was 84.2%.
Conclusion: Electroacupuncture improved memory, concentration and attention; restored healthy function of the brain, liver, kidneys and spleen; and improved the patients?physical condition and quality of life.
Treatment Acupoints and Methods
Group 1 Electroacupoints: DU20 (Baihui), DU24 (Shenting), EX-HN1 (Sishencong).
Spleen qi and kidney essence deficiency: Groups 1, and Sanyinjiao (SP6), Taixi (KID3).
Qi and blood deficiency: Groups 1, and Pishu (BL20), Geshu (BL17), Qihai (REN6).
Liver qi stagnation: Groups 1, and Ganshu (BL18), Taichong (LIV3).
Disharmony between heart and kidney: Groups 1, and Neiguan (PC6), Taixi (KID3).

Manipulation and Methods
Intervention was with an electroacupuncture device (model KWD- 808I, brand Greatwall). The size of the disposable sterile needles used was 0.25?5 mm. After disinfecting all points with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol, the needles were inserted at 30° to the scalp. After provoking De-qi sensations, the electroacupuncture device was connected to the six needles. The six acupoints are divided into three pairs alternatively. Then each pair connects the two wires of the positive and negative poles to the two needle handles randomly and set to a continuous wave at 2 Hz. The duration of each session was 30 minutes. The frequency of treatment was three times a week for four consecutive weeks.
Xiangping Peng, Guanhu Yang (2022) Effectiveness of electroacupuncture for the treatment of long covid brain fog.
Medical & Clinical Research 7(11):01-06.